Forecasting and Energy Governance for the Swiss Energy Transition on the 2050 Horizon Some Useful Lessons for the Arabs

Most of the world's countries are stalling in the adoption of a future national strategy for an energy transition. Some states, however, have made progress to be emulated. On May 21, 2017, for instance, the citizens of Switzerland voted 58 percent yes in a referendum on the proposed "National Energy Strategy 2050". This pioneering experience of energy transition is a model worth studying and emulating on the Arab and global level, while respecting the different possibilities and contexts. Accordingly, this paper deals with the process of drawing up an energy transition strategy, taken as a highly complex matter which cannot take place without resistance to change after decades of total reliance on fossil-fuel sources.

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Most of the world's countries are stalling in the adoption of a future national strategy for an energy transition. Some states, however, have made progress to be emulated. On May 21, 2017, for instance, the citizens of Switzerland voted 58 percent yes in a referendum on the proposed "National Energy Strategy 2050". This pioneering experience of energy transition is a model worth studying and emulating on the Arab and global level, while respecting the different possibilities and contexts. Accordingly, this paper deals with the process of drawing up an energy transition strategy, taken as a highly complex matter which cannot take place without resistance to change after decades of total reliance on fossil-fuel sources.
