Predicting the Future of the Energy Transition in the Arab World Case Study of the Moroccan Model

Volume 3|Issue 3| Oct 2018 |Research Papers


An energy transition involves modifying the energy mix by incorporating renewable energy resources. Their emergence implies a legal transition. A re-adaptation of the behavior of each individual is thus needed, particularly from the point of view of governance, planning, support measures and administrative procedures governing the transition. Such transition will also have to reconcile the imperatives of developing energies from renewable sources with those of sustainable development. In fact, there is no ideal model for energy transition. Although it is true that some countries, like Morocco, have started to adopt an energy system that takes into account sustainable development objectives,obstacles might hinder the development of the energy transition. An effective implementation of the energy transition must take into account examples of other countries, which will necessarily lead to an attempt to find deep solutions that will adapt to legal, economic and fiscal systems.

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Arab Center