The Eastern Mediterranean Natural Gas Discoveries Forecasting Geopolitical Opportunities and Challenges

Volume 3|Issue 3| Oct 2018 |Research Papers


With gas assuming a prominent place among energy sources and with the increasing reliance upon it for environmental and economic cost considerations, the importance of the Eastern Mediterranean region has grown following major gas discoveries in the last few years, which are mainly distributed between Egypt, Cyprus, Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria. In this paper, Marwan Kabalan explores the geopolitical challenges of these gas discoveries, which are exacerbated by instability and weak cooperation between the countries concerned, given the existence of a number of chronic or emerging conflicts. Kabalan concludes that in order for gas to become a blessing
for the region, its countries should think on a regional basis. This is impossible as long as the Zionist entity continues its colonial policies, making the Eastern Mediterranean region continue, from this perspective, as the "region of missed opportunities."
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