Future Visions in the World of Muslims: Between the End of History and the Clash of Prophecies A Critical Study from the Per

​How do Muslims see the future, in observation, analysis, interpretation, and assessment? Are the components of this vision to be found structurally in Muslim thinking? And is this vision of the future moving towards clear ends within integrated processes? “Manner, vision, Muslims, future, observation, analysis, interpretation, assessment” – all these words form part of important questions which must be reflected upon since they enfold other meanings (modes of thinking, means of acting, processes of management, movement of change, avenues of influence, means of empowerment etc.). In this context, this paper considers visions of the future prevalent in the Muslim world, particularly the vision of the end of history and the clash of prophecies by means of a critical study from the perspective of laws (sunan) and purposes (maqasid). The paper considers the outcomes of the main formulations of this vision, and weighs the priorities to found a future movement.

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​How do Muslims see the future, in observation, analysis, interpretation, and assessment? Are the components of this vision to be found structurally in Muslim thinking? And is this vision of the future moving towards clear ends within integrated processes? “Manner, vision, Muslims, future, observation, analysis, interpretation, assessment” – all these words form part of important questions which must be reflected upon since they enfold other meanings (modes of thinking, means of acting, processes of management, movement of change, avenues of influence, means of empowerment etc.). In this context, this paper considers visions of the future prevalent in the Muslim world, particularly the vision of the end of history and the clash of prophecies by means of a critical study from the perspective of laws (sunan) and purposes (maqasid). The paper considers the outcomes of the main formulations of this vision, and weighs the priorities to found a future movement.
