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How will we live in 2050?

Volume Volume VI|Issue 7| Dec 2022 |Future Issues


Every two years, Futuribles International publishes a report summarizing the work done in the previous two years, through an overview that identifies key emerging trends or an analytical piece on a topic considered strategic. The 2018 edition of this report was released under the title "How Will We Live in the Future? 20 Questions for 2050". The twenty questions raised by the report aim to inform the reader of the main issues on the horizon that individuals and society will face, and to highlight a several possible developments. Based on these questions, four scenarios were developed to highlight the range of possibilities: a scenario in which the dynamism of individualism is strengthened; a scenario in which "society is under control"; a scenario in which society is under the power of technology (automation, etc.); and finally, a scenario in which bonds of familiarity are replaced by territorial logic in the context of social organization.

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Director of Studies at Futuribles.

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