Israeli Plans for the Gentrification of Jerusalem under The 5800 Years of Jerusalem Plan: A critical reading of the Jerusalem 2010-2050 vision

Volume 4-|Issue 4| Mar 2020 |Research Papers


This study presents a critical reading of the Israeli plan to 'gentrify' Jerusalem as part of continuing Israeli settlement in Palestinian areas, taking as its example the 5800 Years of Jerusalem Plan: The Jerusalem 20102050- Vision. This plan ultimately aims to Judaise the whole city and strengthen the Jewish population at the expense of the Palestinian by imposing spatial and demographic changes. The study imagines "settlercolonial gentrification", connecting Israeli land seizure and erasure of the Palestinian population with the use of neoliberal tools. The importance of the study lies in its critical reading of the new tools used by Israel to reinforce its colonisation of Jerusalem by presenting gentrification (based on neoliberalism) as a tool of settler colonialism to erase the original inhabitants.

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