Forecasting Demographic Change in Palestine to 2030:A Reading of the Report Palestine 2030, Demographic Change Opportunities

Volume 2|Issue 2| Jul 2017 |Research Papers


The need to formulate future visions has become inescapable in the context of time speeding up for all the Arab countries and above all for Palestine suffering under the yoke of Israeli occupation that impedes the design and implementation of any strategy and coordinated policies for Palestinian development. Planning in Palestine, based on the need for evidence to develop educational and health facilities, and other public utilities, as well as training staff to provide public services in conformity with Palestinian development strategy and policy, cannot be undertaken without a demographic study that makes forecasts for the medium and long term. The recently-published Palestine 2030 report (December 2016) fills this gap and helps formulate a future vision of Palestinian development opportunities, which could not be set out without a demographic study that makes forecasts for the medium and long term.

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